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Fujian Rural Credit Bank Union Project

Date:2015/06/30 Source:

Fujian Rural Credit Bank Union is founded at Jul. 29th,2005. It is a province-level financial institution with an independent legal entity, which specializes in the management of the rural banks. It manages, guides and coordinates all the rural credit banks and rural commercial banks in Fujian.


They include 67 rural credit banks and rural commercial banks including 51 rural credit and 16 rural commercial banks. It has about 1800 branches which is nearly 1/3 of the whole financial branches in Fujian, and 18,000 employees. The Fujian Rural Credit Bank Union provides services that covers the whole province. It has 11,000 micro financing branches. In 2013,the asset of Fujian Rural Credit Bank Union is 412.7 billion and the deposit amount is 320.7 billion.


In Jun.,2015, IPACS wins the trust of Fujian Rural Credit Union and was awarded the contract to upgrade their core banking system.


Congratulations to our South China team! 

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